Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Nature of Friends

"It is a relief, in hectic and frightening times, to find true friends... Friends can make you feel that the world is smaller and less sneaky than it really is, because you know people who have similiar experiences, a phrase which here means 'having lost family members in terrible fires and lived in the Orphans Shack.'"

- from Lemony Snicket's "The Austere Academy"

Everyone in the Elliot household right now seems to be reading (or has just read) Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (Volumes 1 - 13).


Anonymous said...

Exept me :(

Laurie Elliot said...

Poor Sarah! I can send you the extra Volumes 1 - 3. But I thought you read them already?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've read 1-4.