Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"It's not my problem!"

Daughter #3 and I watched Spiderman while my husband was away in Gosh this evening. I think Mary must have enjoyed it - she says that now we have to watch Spiderman 2 and 3. But quite frankly... By the end I was feeling pretty depressed. I think it started when Peter Parker doesn't stop the robber - "Its not my problem." - and the robber kills Peter's uncle when he steals his car for the get away.

We had talked about (downward) church trends this morning and after my husband came home this evening we were listening to a White Horse Inn Episode on Church as Entertainment (that started with a perfectly terrifying recording of Amy Temple MacPherson) when I was interupted by one of my many daughters. We talked about her church problems.

And by the end of the day I just wanted to say "Its not my problem. What can I do about it?!" However, whenever I take that route I seem to pay - like Peter Parker.

You can see where this is going. I felt L O W.

But as we prayed tonight - perhaps Kris's greatest legacy here was the introduction of evening prayers to the Elliot household - a G K Chesterton quote came to mind."At least five times the Faith has to all appearances gone to the dogs. In each of these five cases, it was the dog that died."

Mary's Flowers - did you know that pansies smell like roses?

After that I should have gone straight to the bath but was sidetracked by Mary showing me Happy Slip videos on You Tube - pure diversion. But a somewhat happier diversion than Spiderman!

1 comment:

Matthew Celestine said...

My parents saw the Spiderman film.

They were excited about it, but were rather disappointed.

They tend to forget about films they watch.