Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Tea Party Girls

One of the more distant Elliot cousins commented the other day that she had gone to an actual tea party and drunk real tea... Wow! My youngest daughters are so into tea parties that life without actual tea parties and real tea is... unimaginable!

With Daughter # 3 and my nieces very recently...

I suppose it all began with a plan my sister and I hatched to try to civilize our little savages with tea parties. We tried very hard for a few years - without much civilization being effected! - and finally petered out on the organized effort. However, by then the Tea Party Girls (Daughters 3 and 4 and their cousin Bethany) were hooked and they've been tea partying ever since!

I made a small album of Tea Parties this Year . Not sure if the link will work if you're not my "Facebook Friend" - but you can try.

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