Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My Cosmetic Life

Today I've been thinking all day about active (versus passive) living. But there is no time to write down all my thoughts. So I shall begin in a VERY SMALL way by bouncing off a conversation with Yuko (Luke's fiance) on the way to the ferry this morning.

Women in Eastford, Connecticut in the 1960s didn't wear much make-up besides the lipstick that they put on for special occasions - and then blotted off almost entirely before covering with powder. There were a few REMARKABLE exceptions to this generality - usually old ladies in fur coats with startlingly colored hair.

But I still admired the well-made up women in magazines and longed for the day when I too could have long black eyelashes, and pastel green eyelids. My mother, naturally, told me I was nuts, and I, naturally, did not believe her.

I began - and pretty well ended - my make-up life with mascara. I soon discovered that I cry when I'm sad, when I'm mad, when I'm happy, when I see something beautiful, when the music touches my heart ... I also rub my eyes. I gave up eye makeup in favor of maintaining an active emotional life.

I did attempt to persevere with the tradition of lipstick for special occasions - until I had proved - or rather my husband had proved - that any lipstick that matches my skin tone (an expensive and time consuming feat in itself) does not taste all that hot. Since I rather enjoy kissing my husband, I was only mildly disappointed to discover my daughter had used it for other purposes.

Sarah's Alternative Use of Cosmetics

Sarah's Art in a More Traditional Medium

Sarah's Cosmetic Job


Luke and Yuko ELLIOT said...

Hey, Sarah's pretty good! Maybe she and I can team up to do children's books.

Anonymous said...

Sarah is good...I didnt know she was such an artist (beyond pen on skin works)!

Laurie Elliot said...

Yes, Sarah's talents are various. I love her pictures - but I'm glad she doesn't do her body too often. Not a bad idea about the kids books, Luke!

We used to have quite a collection of her art - she used to scan it and use it as wallpaper for the computer. But most of it seems to have disappeared several computers ago.