Friday, April 08, 2005

Perfection or nothing

"Have any two people never felt like walking away from each other? The difference is that the deep underlying sense of the importance of family continuity must be stronger than the insistence on having perfection. People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it. Everyone has been in danger of this, but many more each year are giving in to it."
-Edith Schaeffer, What is a Family?

I'm actually getting along just fine with my husband - despite a little tension this week arising from the huge task of getting him packed off to Canada for a month. But it wasn't always fine. Recently I lent Edith Schaeffer's book to a young lady who wrote today noting this very passage which I have marked in my own copy. (I was feeling possessive so I lent her my daughter's copy.)

Look at what I would have missed!


I'm glad I stayed!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you stayed too.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake, Mother, find a new favourite picture of our family to post all over the internet . . . I have told you MULTIPLE times that i hate this one and want you to delete it . . . Sorry for complaining, but I am kind of getting tired of seeing this hideous thing pop up time and again . . .

Laurie Elliot said...

I'm glad you feel that way - maybe it will motivate you to make sure we take lots of family photos at Luke's wedding!

Believe it or not, since everybody is always coming and going, and nobody thought to take one at Anna's wedding, this is the most recent (whole) family photo I can come up with.

If I delve back farther than this for a photo, which one do you want?

Laurie Elliot said...

Somehow my comment posted itself twice so I erased it. But let me repeat, the next time everyone is there LET'S TAKE A PHOTO.

In defense of this photo... all the most recent photos were taken the same week and this was definitely a happier moment for me than that cake photos. ;-)