Friday, September 01, 2006

More Birthdays

My nephew Aaron's birthday is the day after mine. So we partied several days running.

Aaron's 17th Birthday marked by cake...

Presents, balloons,etc

And, of course, family! (Bethany Ghent & Mary Elliot)

It's been a long time since my nephew gave me these prayer requests but I think they still hold. (Are you there, Aaron? You can addend changes if you like!)
  1. That I will be able to concentrate while I study at home, so that I won't daydream. (He's homeschooling for high school.)
  2. That I will keep contact with my Japanese friends and invite them to church, so that eventually they will be saved!
  3. That I will grow spiritually.

And I do pray for him - that he will become a true man of God, faithful to the very end.


Aaron said...

Thanks Aunt Laurie. It was a nice birhday. Thank you all that came. The prayer requests still stand. Today, I finished my second English course. Please also pray that I'll find a good Bible college to go to after high school.

Laurie Elliot said...

I'll be praying!