Saturday, December 16, 2006

Oriental reticence - or lack thereof

This morning I'm still thinking about what is "typical".

My daughter-in-law, who also has a direct and friendly manner, is often accused of being "Westernized". This is an accusation I have always found difficult to sympathize with because I see her old-fashioned Japanese manners. (Since my son has old fashioned American manners, I expect Grace to grow up to be an extremely well-mannered child!)

Grace with Aunt Mary last weekend

I guess my first impression of Japan was not of Oriental reticence because my language teachers seemed to think their job included a license to ask questions of a personal nature (all day every day.) So I reciprocated. And got answers!

My first days in Ajigasawa did nothing but forward this impression. Even though I was scared to go out the first few weeks, people came to me. I think I hadn't been in Aji a week before I knew that alcohol was a BIG problem out here in the country. At least three woman had volunteered (unsolicited) stories of their husband's alcoholism...

And I still remember people asking me how much rent I paid. I considered that question off-limits! And the shock I got when one woman met my evasive reply with the sum - she already knew! - and the admonition that it was "too much". Afterall, I could live in town housing (welfare) for just 4000 yen.

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