Tuesday, January 16, 2007

On the wings of the dawn

I found a note from a friend in my desk here at Takayama that begins:

August 7, 1999

If I rise on the wings of the dawn
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your right hand will guide me
your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9, 10

It seems to me some of you Elliots do rise with the dawn, if not exactly on its wings.

Tak Dawn

Until I got sick on Saturday, I was rising with the dawn. It seems the best time to think... The trouble is, the wee hours are also good for thinking - which makes for a rather short night.

I've been thinking about what my own Elinor, Daughter # 4 said recently, something to the effect of, "I have decided to tell her/him what I think and then let her/him do what she/he wants and not worry about it." But she's finding that its a hard resolution to carry.

I did something like that with my oldest daughter. But I told her to fight it out with God and I shut the door and she was obliged to fight it out with God. I didn't see her go out the door and wonder where she was all night! She was safe in her room working it out with God.

However, "Elinor" and I can't be shutting people in their rooms these days. I suppose we must trust them to the Holy Spirit...


I'm still thinking.

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