Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why am I so often one step behind?

Today I finished the article I was writing for the KGK Newsletter in record time and sent it in by the time I promised.

So why am I not happy?!

Well, if I'd printed out her email instead of scribbling a garbled note to myself I might have sent the article in by the 10th instead of waiting for Miss Narumi to phone me as she promised. Then I would have been free today to focus on the International Night this evening here in Ajigasawa. I might have remembered that it was the perfect opportunity to pass out invitations to the Annual Thanksgiving Potluck here at Ajigasawa Chapel! (I usually do this!)

As it was, I was 45 minutes late for the event. And I didn't remember the Thanksgiving Potluck ads until I saw the ad for another church's Thanksgiving. (No, there is no other church in Ajigasawa... that church just advertises VERY widely.)

I should focus on the fact that I had a lot of fun once I got there and remember that not having the ads in hand meant that I went out of my way to invite people by word of mouth - which is actually usually more effective.

End of the the Evening - Running out of Butter Tarts

But next week I'd really like to be one step ahead instead of one step behind!

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