Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time flies by so fast!

I neglected to mention that I spent most of the week under the mistaken impression that November was just beginning.


Willardsdaughter said...

I found myself this week thinking it was still October! Yes, time goes very quickly.

Keep up the good blogging!

GBY, Linda (#55)

yukoelliot4jc said...

I do not know where my first half of November went!! I feel like as if I just gave a birth to Mia Faith not so long ago, but it's been three months already... Christmas comes before we know it - which is really wonderful, because I love Christmas and New Year's time ^^.
Hope you will have a wonderful week.
Love, Yuko

Laurie Elliot said...

Ah-hah! I knew I had company! I hope you both have a wonderful week!

PS Yuko, I love Advent! The candles really help me to slow down and E N J O Y the season.