Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blessing # 5–Prayer meeting

Today was prayer meeting and Daughter # 3 was there with her husband and son. Not many parents of small children make it to prayer meetings. But these parents do.


It reminds me of myself 35 years ago...  My husband and I - with our baby boy - attended the prayer meeting at Knox Church (Toronto) on Wednesday evenings and the OMF Prayer Meeting on Thursday evenings as well as the evening service at Knox on Sunday night.

Did I think it was normal? Probably not, since I don’t remember any other young parents… in fact, I don’t really remember very many people under 45. It seems to me now, that the median age was more like 70!

But somehow not going was unthinkable. Those evenings, though awkward at times, enriched my life. The hymns, the Bible readings, the prayers, the lives of all those silver saints strengthened me to face “a long obedience in the same direction.”

Later on, in Japan, with more children and no car, we attended prayer meeting turn about for a few years.

I started the prayer meeting habit when I was in Junior High School – and it was a habit – it wasn’t always easy to go when I was tired or had work to do!

I probably  began to attend when the Pastor’s daughters invited me but the other teens weren’t the only attraction. I loved  all the saints, young and old, because we “enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God.”

Forty years later I still enjoy the “sweet fellowship” of prayer meetings – sweet fellowship that enriches my life.

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